Vidya Council for Education
Vidya Council for Education (VCE) is an agency that stands for education and aims for good academic standards. It strives for a process by which good citizens who honour the dignity of all fellow beings will be nurtured. India is a very large country where the educational aspirations of citizens cannot be fulfilled by the government alone. Philanthropic interventions from not-for-profit entities are needed to reach our stated targets of access and equity in education. Schools associated with VCE fulfil the educational aspirations of a large number of pupils belonging to rural areas where good education is not readily available. Also, the majority of our students are coming from socially deprived sections. In that sense, VCE is contributing to the strivings of our governments to create an equitable knowledge society. We support the associated schools to improve their governance and process. In addition to the support to improve academic quality, we plan and implement various competitions and Talent Search Examinations. We conduct training programmes for different stakeholder segments considering their scope in the educational process.